Friday, 21 October 2011

Chitika for Publishers

Chitika is yet another Pay per click publisher program. But chitika is much different from Google Adsense. Chitika gives good results only for websites having good search engine traffic from US and Canada. Chitika uses complicated scripts and displays ads only to traffic that arrives through search engines to the publisher sites and that too, only to visitors from US and Canada. So I recommend Chitika only for publishers who already have a well established site, with good search engine traffic. From my experience, the pay per click is pretty good but still, it cannot be matched with Adsense.

Chitika's Policies

Though Chitika does not have very strict rules, some basic policies of Adsense (like the site should not encourage clicking on ads and so on) do apply to Chitika too. But they accept more websites thanAdsense. They just filter out invalid clicks and credit the publishers only for valid clicks. But Google has more strict measures in place.
See all the terms an conditions of Chitika.

Why search engine traffic?

Most of the publishers wonder why Chitika accepts only search engine traffic. Here is the straight answer to that question. Google Adsense is a publisher program that requires a website to be atleast 6 months old for the publisher to participate in Adsense and they give equal importance to the site contents in order to make it certain that the website is well established and that it receives quality visitors. In that way, they ensure that the advertisers get good traffic. But chitika has tackled all these problems in a single step. Chitika approves publishers quite easily. But their ads work only on websites with good search engine traffic. By implementing this step, they guarantee good quality traffic to advertisersbecause only a well established site would receive traffic from search engines. This also reduces the fraudulant activities. 
Payment methods:

Compatibility with Adsense:

Chitika pays by both Paypal and Check. They pay on a monthly basis and the payment threshold is $10 for paypal and $50 for check. In case your earnings is less than the threshold amount, it is rolled over to the next month similar to Adsense. Payment by paypal is advantageous and the payment threshold is also less when compared to many other publisher programs.

Ad types:

 Chitika has the following ad types:
1.) Chitika PPC Ad Units- They are ad units that display text ads and pay on a per click basis. They display ads related to the search term that the visitor has searched for in the search engine and has ended up coming to the publisher site.
2.) Chitika Linx- Chitika scans the webpage and underlines certain keywords in the page. When the visitor hovers his mouse on the links, the ads show up. They pay on a per click basis.
3.) Whites space ads- They are similar to ppc ads but they show up only if there is sufficient space for the ad. They usually show up in high resolution monitors, where there is a lot of empty space on the screen.

Ad formats:

Chitika offers a wide range of ad formats and the colors are customizable. Some of the ad formats are: 550 x 250  MEGA-Unit, 500 x 250  MEGA-Unit, 728 x 90 Leaderboard, 160 x 600 Wide Skyscraper and so on.
View all the ad formats.
The mega units are large ad units that have proven to increase the publisher earnings by 200%. 

Ad placement:

Chitika ads work well with Google ads. They provide the best that any publisher can use to monetize his/her site. The rules are similar to that of Adsense. The ads must not be placed in popups, popunders, thank you pages etc. The ads should not be used in sites which are particularly created for showing ads. The ads should be clearly visible and the page contents should not obscure it.

Chitika publisher referral program:

The publishers earn 10% of the earnings that the publishers referred by them earn, for the first 12 months from the date of approval. This referral program is an added advantage of Chitika.
Adsense's policies states that the publishers must not run ads that are similar to adsense ads on the same page where Google ads are displayed. This created confusion amoung publishers so as to whether they can use Chitika and Adsense on the same page. The answer is YES. Chitika ads, are in no way, similar to Adsense ads. They differ from Adsense in the following ways:
1.) They ads show up only to search engine traffic
2.) Their ads design and look is completely different from that of Adsense.
So, publishers can use both Adsense and Chitika on the same page. Also, it is the best combination to monetize a website.

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